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Rapids Blog

Close To Retirement? Here’s What You Should Know

Couple smiling for photo

The closer you get to retirement, the more excited you may be—and more worried. If you are 18 to 24 months away from retirement, this article is for you. You may still be wondering if you have enough saved, or if you can (or should) plan on finding a supplemental income. How will an uncertain economy affect your retirement? We answer these questions and more below.

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Maintaining Your Home After Purchase

Home Maintenance

Owning your own home can be an excellent investment. It can also be financially draining if you aren’t regularly maintaining your home. Regular maintenance can take time, planning, and money, but it can help you to save on unexpected repair costs and keep the value of your home up. Below, we share some of our tips for becoming a financially responsible homeowner.

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Financial Stress: The Physical and Mental Effects

Couple reviewing bills

Money may not buy you happiness, but studies show that your relationship with it impacts your health. Did you know money is tied to our basic, hard-wired drive to survive? When that drive can’t be attained, it compounds into stress. In the last 30 years ,our society has tripled its debt and simultaneously gotten sicker with heart disease, stroke, and mental illness on the rise. Coincidence or are finances partly to blame?

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Lowering Your Household Food Costs

picking out produce

These days, most households are looking for ways to cut down on grocery and dining costs. In this article, we take a look at practical ways your family can cut down on food costs, whether you cook at home or tend to order/eat out. By cutting down on food costs, you can free up more funds for savings, everyday expenses, or discretionary spending.

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Mortgage Points

Many members who close on a home mortgage with us wonder about mortgage points and whether you really save more in the long run by purchasing mortgage points upfront. If you’re new to the home-buying process, you may even be wondering what mortgage points are. Rivermark is here to help. We’ll explain everything you need to know about mortgage points and help you determine if they’re worth paying for.

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Tips For Virtual Job Hunters

Virtual interview

The job search and hiring process have changed dramatically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the new virtual job application process, or just want to make sure you are putting your best virtual foot forward, here are our tips for success:

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6 Common Elderly Scams

Senior Scam

There will always be scams, particularly those targeted at seniors. This article identifies some common scams and some tips to help you take control of the situation and stay safe and stay in control.

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