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Rapids Blog

Personalized Path to Financial Success

Path in the woods

No matter what financial freedom means to you, the road to this destination is not easy. It is best to think of the road to financial freedom as a series of small steps instead of a sprint to the finish line. You may dream of winning the lottery and quitting your job the next day, but that is unlikely to happen. If you want to pursue financial freedom on your terms, you need to start with a realistic goal.

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Benefits of Delaying Retirement

Woman in the park

Some anticipate retirement years as a time for new adventures, travel, and pursuing postponed hobbies. Approximately half of working Americans retire between the ages of 61 and 65. For a growing number of seniors, delaying retirement is becoming more common. If you are considering delaying your retirement, there are a few possible benefits of holding off retirement even for a short time.

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Tips to Eliminate Debt

Couple reviewing bills

According to the Federal Reserve, American credit card debt was nearly one trillion dollars at the end of the third quarter of 2020. This considerable amount of consumer debt means that many families need strategies to help them get out of debt. We have identified eight strategies that you can use to help you reduce your debt load and get your financial situation back on track.

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How to Avoid Outliving Your Money

Ladies dancing

If you are like most American workers, you will likely be responsible for saving most of the money you will need for retirement. That's because many companies have replaced defined-benefit (or pension) plans with defined-contribution (or 401k) plans. Furthermore, Social Security will only cover a fraction of the income you will likely need after retirement. Here are our favorite tips on how to avoid outliving your money during retirement.

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Pandemic Scams

Scam alert sign

Scammers and con artists capitalize on events such as pandemics to take advantage of vulnerable people. The most attractive targets are those that are alone and fearful. Pandemic scams can come in many forms, but generally, scammers either try to ask you for your money directly or try to get your personal information so that they may access your money. Here are three common scams identified during the pandemic for you to watch out for.

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Will Getting Married Change My Tax Situation?

As you and your significant other plan for the big day and your life together, there is a lot to take into consideration. And as fun as planning your wedding may be, don’t forget about your taxes as well – just because you have hearts and flowers on your mind doesn’t mean that taxes will go into retreat!

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Avoiding Senior Scams

Scam alert tile

If you have a senior you care for, this article is for you. We provide essential information and resources for seniors in your life. Many times, financial and other issues faced by seniors can go overlooked or unnoticed. We'll share tips to help you identify potential problems.

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Giving Back During Uncertain Times

Truck with giving message

Giving back to the community can give you a sense of purpose and positivity. It can also help you connect with others and even grow your skills or learn new ones. If you are looking for ways to boost your mood, use extra free time productively, and set positive examples for friends, family, and children in your life, we have a few ideas to get you going. Below are our top picks for giving back this winter.

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Rivermark Awards $20,000 Grant

Grant recipient check

Each year, Rivermark evaluates the needs facing the communities it serves and selects a grant recipient from the Rivermark Community Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation. We are pleased to announce Rebuilding Together as this year’s $20,000 grant recipient.

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Data Security Tips For Remote Workers

Data security

Moving your "office" to your home has conveniences and challenges — Cybersecurity being one of them. Many people don't have proper knowledge and preparation for potential security threats. Working from home presents a lot of opportunity for someone's personal or business data to be compromised or stolen. The good news is that remote workers can take steps to protect their information and information from their employers.

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