Credit Card Rates


Product APR (Minimum) APR (Maximum) Credit Limit
Platinum Card 9.65% 20.65% $30,000
Cash Back Card 14.25% 23.99% $50,000
Secured Card 10.90% 10.90% $10,000

Platinum Card

Apr min 9.65%
Apr maximum 20.65%
Amount $30,000

Cash Back Card

Apr min 14.25%
Apr maximum 23.99%
Amount $50,000

Secured Card

Apr min 10.90%
Apr maximum 10.90%
Amount $10,000

1 Platinum Card

Best for members who want to consolidate and pay down higher interest debt. Credit limits from $250 to $30,000. The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is variable and is based upon an index plus a margin. The APR will vary with Prime Rate (the index) as published in the Wall Street Journal. Except where otherwise indicated, the APR is accurate as of the date shown above and is subject to change without notice. Rates are based on your credit history and current credit report. All loans are subject to underwriting approval. Foreign currency conversion fee up to 1% may apply.

2 Cash Back Card

Earn 1.5% unlimited cash back with every purchase. Credit limits from $5,000 to $50,000. The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is variable and is based upon an index plus a margin. The APR will vary with Prime Rate (the index) as published in the Wall Street Journal. Except where otherwise indicated, the APR is accurate as of the date shown above and is subject to change without notice. Rates are based on your credit history and current credit report. All loans are subject to underwriting approval. Foreign currency conversion fee up to 1% may apply. Terms

3 Secured Card

Best for members who need to rebuild and strengthen their credit. Credit limit starts at $250, backed by deposit. The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is fixed. Except where otherwise indicated, the APR is accurate as of the date of this Rate Sheet and is subject to change without notice. All loans are subject to underwriting approval. Foreign currency conversion fee up to 1% may apply.

VR Variable Rate (APR)

Variable Rate (APR)

FR Fixed Rate (APR)

Fixed Rate (APR)

APR (terminology)

APR = Annual Percentage Rate.