Certificates of Deposit Rates


Term Minimum Balance to Earn APY Interest Rate APY
CD Promotional Offers
9 Month Promo Certificate $0.01–$49,999.99 3.69% 3.75%
$50,000–$99,999.99 3.69% 3.75%
$100,000 or more 3.69% 3.75%
Certificates of Deposit
6 Month Certificate $0.01–$49,999.99 1.69% 1.70%
$50,000–$99,999.99 1.69% 1.70%
$100,000 or more 1.69% 1.70%
12 Month Certificate $0.01–$49,999.99 1.98% 2.00%
$50,000–$99,999.99 1.98% 2.00%
$100,000 or more 1.98% 2.00%
24 Month Certificate $0.01–$49,999.99 2.08% 2.10%
$50,000–$99,999.99 2.08% 2.10%
$100,000 or more 2.08% 2.10%
36 Month Certificate $0.01–$49,999.99 2.18% 2.20%
$50,000–$99,999.99 2.18% 2.20%
$100,000 or more 2.18% 2.20%
48 Month Certificate $0.01–$49,999.99 2.28% 2.30%
$50,000–$99,999.99 2.28% 2.30%
$100,000 or more 2.28% 2.30%
60 Month Certificate $0.01–$49,999.99 2.33% 2.35%
$50,000–$99,999.99 2.33% 2.35%
$100,000 or more 2.33% 2.35%
Youth Certificates of Deposit
Youth 6 Months $100 1.69% 1.70%
Youth 12 Months $100 1.98% 2.00%

CD Promotional Offers

9 Month Promo Certificate

Balance $0.01–$49,999.99
Rate 3.69%
Apy 3.75%

Balance $50,000–$99,999.99
Rate 3.69%
Apy 3.75%

Balance $100,000 or more
Rate 3.69%
Apy 3.75%

Certificates of Deposit

6 Month Certificate

Balance $0.01–$49,999.99
Rate 1.69%
Apy 1.70%

Balance $50,000–$99,999.99
Rate 1.69%
Apy 1.70%

Balance $100,000 or more
Rate 1.69%
Apy 1.70%

12 Month Certificate

Balance $0.01–$49,999.99
Rate 1.98%
Apy 2.00%

Balance $50,000–$99,999.99
Rate 1.98%
Apy 2.00%

Balance $100,000 or more
Rate 1.98%
Apy 2.00%

24 Month Certificate

Balance $0.01–$49,999.99
Rate 2.08%
Apy 2.10%

Balance $50,000–$99,999.99
Rate 2.08%
Apy 2.10%

Balance $100,000 or more
Rate 2.08%
Apy 2.10%

36 Month Certificate

Balance $0.01–$49,999.99
Rate 2.18%
Apy 2.20%

Balance $50,000–$99,999.99
Rate 2.18%
Apy 2.20%

Balance $100,000 or more
Rate 2.18%
Apy 2.20%

48 Month Certificate

Balance $0.01–$49,999.99
Rate 2.28%
Apy 2.30%

Balance $50,000–$99,999.99
Rate 2.28%
Apy 2.30%

Balance $100,000 or more
Rate 2.28%
Apy 2.30%

60 Month Certificate

Balance $0.01–$49,999.99
Rate 2.33%
Apy 2.35%

Balance $50,000–$99,999.99
Rate 2.33%
Apy 2.35%

Balance $100,000 or more
Rate 2.33%
Apy 2.35%

Youth Certificates of Deposit

Youth 6 Months

Balance $100
Rate 1.69%
Apy 1.70%

Youth 12 Months

Balance $100
Rate 1.98%
Apy 2.00%

1 CD Promotional Offers

For all Certificate accounts there may be a penalty for early withdrawal. APY assumes that all interest will remain on deposit until maturity, a withdrawal will reduce earnings. Additional funds cannot be added on promotional certificates. Minimum balance to open is $500.

2 Certificates of Deposit

Minimum balance to open is $500. For all Certificate accounts there may be a penalty for early withdrawal. APY assumes that all interest will remain on deposit until maturity, a withdrawal will reduce earnings. Additional funds cannot be added on promotional certificates. IRA & ESA options are available on all terms and HSA option is available on 6, 12, 24 and 36 month terms. For IRA, ESA and HSA accounts: Fees may reduce earnings. Contribution limits apply. Consult your tax advisor for specific tax information.

3 Youth Certificates

Available on memberships where the primary owner is under the age of 18. Minimum balance to open is $100. For Youth Certificates, there may be a penalty for early withdrawal. APY assumes that all interest will remain on deposit until maturity, a withdrawal will reduce earnings. Additional funds cannot be added on promotional certificates. For IRA, ESA and HSA accounts: Fees may reduce earnings. Contribution limits apply. Consult your tax advisor for specific tax information. 

APY (Terminology)

APY = Annual Percentage Yield.