Avoiding Foreclosure

Know What Options are Available to You

Avoid Foreclosure

If you are experiencing financial distress and potentially facing foreclosure, Rivermark may be able to help. Depending on the type of loan you have and your individual circumstances, there are options that may be available to you.

  • You may be able to modify your loan to make the payments more affordable.
  • You may be able to refinance your loan, extending the payment period, and/or reducing the interest rate, thereby lowering your monthly payment.
  • Depending on your circumstances, Rivermark may be able to offer you a temporary forbearance arrangement.
  • You may be able to sell your home and repay your loan in its entirety. If your home's value is less than what you owe, Rivermark may be willing to accept less money than you owe and develop a repayment plan for the remaining amounts due.


Call toll free 800-452-8502. In order for us to evaluate your eligibility for these options, please have the following documents available:

  • Financial hardship letter explaining why you are unable to make your payments.
  • Proof of income
    • Two current check stubs not more than 30 days old or
    • 2 years most recent tax returns if you are self employed
  • The last two months statements from all credit union, bank, brokerage, and retirement accounts.
  • A budget detailing your monthly income and expenses.
  • You may be required to provide additional documentation depending on your situations.

You may also consider contacting these other resources for assistance:

  • The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at 800-569-4287 to find a HUD approved housing counselor.
  • If you live in Washington state, you may also contact the Washington State Homeownership Information Hotline at 877-894-HOME (4663) to find a certified housing counseling agency or the Department of Financial Institutions at 877-746-4334 or visit their website for additional resources on how to avoid foreclosure.
  • If you live in Oregon, visit this website for additional resources on how to avoid foreclosure.