Hands holding a cell phone with the Rivermark mobile app on it.

Card Controls

A Better Card Experience at Your Fingertips

Card Controls

Ready for an easier way to manage your debit and credit cards? Our enhanced Card Controls experience puts more convenience, insight, and safety in your hands. From instant card activations, and travel notifications, to clearer merchant transaction info to robust fraud protections, now you can do even more from one convenient place. 

You're in Control

Access the Card Controls feature within Digital Banking and our Mobile Banking app within the Card & Checks menu.

teal icon of credit card with lock in front of it.

Card On/Off

Whether you misplaced your card or spot a transaction you don't recognize, immediately turn your card on/off.

Teal icon of luggage.

Manage Travel

Let Rivermark know that you will be traveling and to expect transactions outside your normal card activity location.

Teal icon of a laptop.

Reset Your PIN

Quickly and easily set or update your card's PIN to keep your account safe and secure.

Teal icon of a document coming out of a cell phone.

Report Stolen

Quickly notify Rivermark that your card has been lost or stolen to prevent any unauthorized access.

Teal icon of a phone with an alert on it.

Real-Time Alerts

Receive real-time card transactions alerts each time your card is used via push notification and email.

Teal icon of money.

Spending Insights

Keep track of your spending behavior to see how, what, and when card transactions are occurring.

Teal icon of cash and a credit card.

Activate Cards

When you receive a new card in the mail, activate it with a few taps instead of calling in.

Teal icon of a hand holding a cell phone.

Digital Wallet

 With the touch of a button add your Rivermark cards to Apple Pay or Google Pay on your device.

With Card Controls, You Can:

Feel More Empowered

Control your cards on your terms.

  • Turn your cards on/off at your discretion.
  • Know where every card is stored online.
  • Set spending limits based on location, amount, merchant type, and transaction type.
  • Create travel plan notifications for your financial institution.
  • Easily dispute transactions.

Find More Clarity

Deeper insights into spending means deeper understanding.

  • Gain total transparency into every transaction with clear merchant names.
  • Keep track of spending with a glance.
  • View merchant name, logo, exact location on map and contact information.
  • Contact merchants directly based on transactions. View spending by what, when and where.

Discover More Convenience

Enhanced features enable a smoother user experience.

  • Enjoy 24/7 access to your cards.
  • Easily add cards to digital wallets.
  • Access card credentials without needing your physical card.
  • Activate cards instantly so there's no more waiting on new or replacement cards.

Feel More Secure

Use your card confidently with uncompromising fraud protection.

  • Report lost or stolen cards in a couple of clicks.
  • Immediately turn off a lost or stolen card.
  • Keep in constant communication with your financial institution with two-way fraud alerts.
  • Peace of mind knowing Rivermark has your back.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get started?

    Simply log in to our Mobile Banking app or desktop Online Banking and click “Card Control” to get started.

    How do I turn my card OFF, then back ON?

    From the first/main screen you encounter in Card Controls, tap on the toggle switch to turn your card ON or OFF.

    How quickly does the ON/OFF status (or other limits) on my card take effect?

    Change in Card Controls are effective instantly, so you have complete control of your card.

    Can I manage Card Controls on more than one Debit or Credit Card?

    Yes. From the first/main Card Controls screen, select the card from a list of cards on your Rivermark account.

    If I turn my Card OFF, will my recurring transactions be blocked?

    No, your recurring transactions will not be blocked. They will continue to be processed, even when your card is turned OFF.

    Can I add other financial institutions’ debit or credit cards to the Mobile App?

    No, only Rivermark’s credit/debit cards are supported.

    Can multiple cards be linked to one Mobile Banking account?

    Yes, multiple cards from our institution can be accessed via one Mobile Banking account.

    When I receive a reissued or replacement card, will I have to update the cards within the application?

    No, the card will be automatically updated within our Mobile Banking app.

    Can I add my card to Mobile Wallets?

    Yes, the app currently supports Google Pay and Apple Pay.

    My card was lost or stolen. What should I do?

    To report a lost or stolen card, follow the instructions under “Report Lost or Stolen.”

    I will be traveling several times in the next year. Can I enter all of my travel plans at once?

    The app allows you to set two travel plans at a time with a maximum duration of 90 days. If your trip exceeds this or you are traveling more than two times, you will need to update the app after each trip or after 90 days.

  • What type of transactions are displayed/enriched?

    Transactions made with your cards are enriched and displayed. Teller transactions, wire transfers, and payments made via Bill Pay and ACH are not included. Enriched data includes the merchant’s name, logo, address and more.

    Does the app show recent transaction history?

    Yes, the app shows the last 50 card-based transactions posted within the last 30 days.

    A spending limit of $50 has been set, but my card gets denied at some gas stations. Why?

    Sometimes a merchant will pre-authorize the card for an amount that may be more than the spend limit you allow on the card. In this case, your card will be denied.

    What’s the difference between “Card on File” and “Recurring Payments”?

    “Recurring Payments” are those payments that happen repeatedly on a schedule, for example, streaming subscriptions, cellular bills, or other monthly bills you pay with your card. “Card on File” is a list of merchants who store your card information for future purchases, like online retailers or delivery apps.

    I see a transaction I don’t recognize. What should I do?

    Select the transaction to see the details. If it was an in-person purchase, there's a Google Map showing where it happened. You'll also find the merchant's phone number, whether you bought in person or online. If you don't recognize the purchase, feel free to contact the merchant.

    If something seems off, like a fraudulent charge, or you need to report a lost or stolen card, please give us a call right away.

  • What card controls are available?

    Via our Mobile app, you can lock or unlock your card if you suspect fraud or misplace your card. You can limit transactions by location, merchant, and transaction type to control how your card is used. Plus, set up alerts to stay informed.

    Can I block all international transactions?

    Yes. International transactions can be blocked under location controls. All transactions outside of your specified country of residence will be blocked.

    Will changing location controls, merchant controls, and spend controls impact previously authorized recurring transactions?

    Previously authorized recurring payments will not be affected by the card controls.

    How long does it take for a control or alert setting to take effect?

    Control settings take effect immediately.

    How are alerts delivered?

    Alerts are sent as push notifications on your device or through email.

    If I have set an alert for international transactions but no controls are set, will I receive alerts for all international transactions?

    Yes, an alert will be sent for all international transactions, whether they are allowed or denied.

    If I set multiple alerts and a transaction triggers more than one, will I receive a separate message for each alert?

    No, alerts will all be included in one message.