Fraud Alert: Fraudsters are posing as credit union employees using a spoofed phone number to text and call members about card fraud. As a reminder, Rivermark will NEVER call, text, or email you asking for your account number, SSN, card number, PINs, or Digital Banking login information.
Woman with curly hair looking at her phone while sitting.

Money Alerts

Use Alerts for Peace of Mind

Money Alerts

Alerts let you monitor how money moves in and out of your accounts. View your balances, deposits, withdrawals and purchases with text, email and push notifications. Best of all, you choose the alerts you want. Categories include:

  • Accounts
  • Authentication
  • Card
  • Savings Goals
  • Transfers
  • General Alerts

Setting Up Alerts

Step 1: Sign into Digital Banking. 

Step 2: Choose Security & Maintenance from the menu.

Step 3: Choose the Account Alerts options and view all of the alert options available.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Alerts are sent based on the alert type you choose.
  • Yes. Set up a contact for both your phone and email. Then, simply select both options when you schedule your new alert.
  • Yes. Set up push notifications in the Settings menu of your app.