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Rapids Blog

Working From Home: The New Normal

Mother and daughter working at the kitchen table

While many companies were moving towards allowing more employees to work from home, this option was either technologically burdensome or resisted by management at many businesses. However, in March 2020, that all changed. For the last few months now, many of us have had to transition to working from home. In this article, we provide tips for avoiding common pitfalls and streamlining your WFH experience.

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Swapping Your Expenditures During The Pandemic

Couple reviewing bills

Now more than ever, it’s important to think about the way we spend or save every dollar we make. In some cases, the quarantine orders have given us an opportunity to shift how we are spending money while staying at home. Below are our favorite tips on swapping what you spend your money on during the pandemic.

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Should I Get an Extended Auto Warranty with My Car Loan?

When the manufacturer warranties end, many people like to continue with a type of coverage that will assist them with future repairs and issues. That’s why lenders (like Rivermark) often offer an extended auto warranty that provides protection for the car after the manufacturer warranties end. This will not only get you your car in the first place but will protect it for a long time after you have it.

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How To Manage Your Student Loans During the Pandemic

Student Loans Text

Along with other bills, there is one type of bill causing many Americans to worry during the Coronvirus pandemic—Student Loans. Even before COVID-19, millions of Americans were suffering under high-interest student loan debt. Now, with lower incomes and overall financial insecurity, those with student loans are wondering if they will ever recover. This article features information on how to receive financial relief during the pandemic.

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5 Facts About Being a First-Time Homeowner

Check list

There is a lot to know (or learn about) when you’re a first-time homeowner. Such as scheduling mortgage payments and putting together an attractive yet functional curb appeal. But there’s more. As new parts of this experience emerge, there are a handful of things that you should be prepared for. Here are five facts about being a first-time homeowner that you should take into consideration.

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What Are the Steps and Requirements of Getting Car Loans in Oregon?

Everyone should feel like they have access to owning a vehicle. Having your own car gives you flexibility and control over how and when you get places, and it provides you with a sense of freedom that you can’t get with public transportation. But not everyone has the funds to purchase a car on their own. That’s where a car loan comes in.

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Benefits of Teen Savings and Checking Accounts

It’s never too early to teach your kids the importance of financial responsibility. When they’re young, it could be as simple as providing them with an allowance so they can learn how to save some, spend some, and perhaps even give some to a worthy cause. But as your child grows older and enters the teen years, they’ll need to learn more about budgeting and money management principles. One of the best ways to do that is to open a checking and savings account with a linked debit card.

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Easing Anxiety

Family of four coloring

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every corner of the globe and all areas of our lives. It has changed the way we do things in ways most of us never would have imagined. It’s not surprising that most of us are feeling stressed and anxious, and our kids, too, are feeling the effects–especially children with an existing anxiety disorder. Fortunately, there are things we can do to help kids cope during this stressful time.

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Remote Banking Options

Man making a mobile deposit with phone

As we work through the impacts of this unprecedented time, we encourage you to take advantage of the remote and digital banking options that are available to Rivermark members. You can complete nearly all banking functions remotely, that you could do at a branch. Are you utilizing all of our online and mobile banking features?

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