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Six Easy Ways to Save Money Without Sacrificing Your Lifestyle

Meal Prep

The economy today makes it essential to save money wherever you can. People tend to fear having to sacrifice the things they enjoy for the sake of keeping more cash in their pockets. The good news is that you can save money without sacrificing the lifestyle you enjoy. Here are some tips for saving money without giving up what you love.

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Rivermark Receives CDFI

Rivermark Community Credit Union announced that it has been certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) by the U.S. Department of Treasury. CDFIs are mission driven organizations that focus on serving low-income and underserved communities. Rivermark joins 1,300+ financial institutions nationwide, and just 10 Oregon based credit unions to achieve this certification.

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5 Habits That Can Ruin Your Budget

You've created a budget that looks great on paper. You've established different spending categories and established reasonable limits. Despite these efforts, you still run into problems on a regular basis. Sound familiar? Double-check your budget based on factors such as income and goals. When everything appears to be going well, ask yourself if any of these common financial habits are derailing your plans.

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10 Financial New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year again: time to make resolutions for the new year. If you're like most people, your list probably includes some common resolutions like losing weight, getting fit, or eating healthier. But have you ever thought about including financial resolutions on your list? Here are 10 financial New Year's resolutions to consider.

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Quick Tips For Paying Down Debt

Reviewing bills

Getting rid of your consumer debt is an excellent way to increase your credit score, relieve financial stress, and place yourself in a position to succeed financially in the future. However, it can also be a challenge to do so with rising costs, a shortage of funds, and sometimes overwhelming interest costs. Not to worry! Here are some easy ways to get started on reducing your debt today.

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Prepare for the New Year

Couple reviewing finances

Every year people make resolutions to change their lives for the better. But far too often these resolutions are broken within weeks of making them. The truth is, it’s hard to stick with anything in life if you haven’t properly prepared for it, and that goes double when you haven’t done your research on how best to accomplish what you want. That's why we've compiled 25 things you can do this year before January 1st comes around so that the New Year will be full of promise instead of disappointment.

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10 Ways to Save for the Holidays

Many people find themselves in the difficult position of having a limited budget for gifts during the holiday season. The good news is that there are many ways that you can save money while still giving high-quality gifts to your loved ones! The holiday season is a joyous time of year, and we want to make sure you can enjoy it without worrying about money.

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Thanksgiving on a Budget

It's that time of year again where we gather with family and friends to celebrate the holiday season. It's also a time for us to take stock of all we have, be grateful, and give thanks. But there is one thing I've noticed about Thanksgiving: it can get expensive! Fortunately, you don't need to break the bank in order to host a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner this year. Here are 5 ways you can save money when hosting your own special celebration on Thanksgiving!

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2021 Grant Winner

Oregon Energy Fund

The Rivermark Community Fund has directed its 2021 grant to provide $20,000 in utility bill assistance through the Oregon Energy Fund (OEF). Amidst lingering financial challenges from the pandemic that range from global supply chain constraints and rising costs to staffing shortages and stagnant wages, many US residents face steep increases in the cost of heating their home and keeping the lights on this winter.

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Rebuilding Together Day

Rivermark employees and their family members sprang into action for another volunteer day with Rebuilding Together Portland. Rain or shine, the team of 17 had a hearty list of home improvements planned, and thankfully, the sun showed up and shined on throughout the workday.

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