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Rapids Blog

We've Partnered with Enterprise Car Sales

We are excited to announce that we have a new auto buying partner! You know that Rivermark is a great place to get pre-approved for an auto loan at one of the most competitive rates around. But did you know that Enterprise Car Sales is different than buying from anyone else?

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Build Your Emergency Fund

"Emergency savings" is money set aside to cover unexpected personal expenses. It's suggested that you have six months of essential living expenses saved in case of an emergency, however 28%* of Americans have no emergency savings at all.

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Start a Budget

For a lot of folks, the first step to setting a budget is often the hardest, because you have to stare your ‘bad’ habits right in the face (for example, your daily double-mocha-whipped-yumminess). But once you get a handle on where your money is going, you can set realistic goals for spending (and saving). So, take a deep breath and dive right in.

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Automate Your Savings

Automatically putting money away into your savings account is the easiest way to ensure you’re growing your savings. For Rivermark members, automating these transfers to your savings is very easy! Follow these simple steps:

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Make Wise Savings Decisions

Putting money away for a rainy day (or a sunny one, for that matter), will give you added security in case of emergency, and will help you avoid financial pit-falls like high credit card debt. Understanding the different savings options available arms you with the knowledge you need to make the most of the money you save.

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Buying Your First Car: Where to Shop For a Car

Whether you're cruising down the highway of independence or shifting gears into adulthood, buying your first car is an exciting milestone. It's a journey that takes a bit of planning and decision-making, and here at Rivermark Credit Union, we're all about helping you navigate through this process.

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Buying vs. Leasing a Car

When you decide to get a new car, the process can be overwhelming. There are many decisions you have to make. One of the most important decisions is whether you want to buy the car or to lease it. To help decide, we’ve put together some advantages and disadvantages of buying versus leasing.

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