Merger Update: Our branches, contact center, and digital banking are closed today for merger related system integration. Cards will continue to function as usual. We are working diligently to reopen for business on Tuesday at 9 AM as planned. [Updated: 3/3/25 at 8 AM] Details

Extended Auto Warranty

Mechanical Breakdown Protection (MBP)

Mechanical Breakdown Protection: What is it?

Protect your new or used vehicle against mechanical breakdown beyond the manufacturer's warranty. Our extended auto warranty program, called Mechanical Breakdown Protection or "MBP" is just as comprehensive and usually cost much less than dealer programs. Ask for a quote on your next auto purchase. In most cases, we can add the premium to your loan, with very minimal effect on your monthly payment.

  • Our claims adjusters are certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
  • Fully Insured Program
  • Direct Payment To Repair Facility
  • No Deductible Per Visit
  • Regulated by the Oregon State Insurance Commissioner
  • New/Used vehicles eligible
  • Up to 10 years/150,000 miles
  • Premium can be financed
  • Can be canceled with a pro-rata refund
  • Examine at no risk for 30 days
  • No Limit on Claims


Get a Quote:

A car can break down when the warranty expires, but with Mechanical Breakdown Protection, you would be protected. MBP will cover you if something breaks on your car, and features amazing benefits.

Call our specialists at 503.626.6600 for a free, no-obligation quote or click the button.


Nationwide Protection

You may choose any licensed repair facility anywhere in the United States or Canada. The repair facility may be your dealership or any other licensed repair facility. For your convenience, we provide a toll-free number for authorization of repairs. Upon authorization, your repair bill can be paid with your Rivermark credit card.

Trip Interruption

During the term of your coverage, If your vehicle breaks down over 100 miles away from home, we will reimburse you up to $75 per day for room and board while the covered part is being repaired, up to a maximum of $225.

Transferable Coverage / Increased Resale Value

If you sell your vehicle to a private party during the term of your coverage, you may transfer your coverage to the other party and increase the resale value of your vehicle! Protection may be transfered, one time during the term, to a private individual; a $50.00 fee will apply.

Rental Assistance

In the event of a covered Mechanical Breakdown during the term of your coverage, you will be reimbursed for alternate transportation expenses according to the schedule in your agreement, up to $180 per occurance. If repairs are delayed due to parts unavailability, you may be entitled to additional days of alternate transportation.

Tire Road Hazard Protection

During the term of your coverage, if the tires on your vehicle are damaged during their normal life by glass, nails or other road hazards, we will pay the cost to repair the damaged tire or to replace the tire if not repairable up to $125 per occurrence or $500 total.

24-Hour Roadside Assistance

Car won't start? Need a tow? Flat tire? Locked out? In the event you experience one of these common driving occurrences, Roadside Assistance Service is available to you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Services include the following:

  • Towing
  • Mechanical First Aid
  • Emergency Tire Service
  • Battery Assistance
  • Gasoline Delivery
  • Fluid Delivery
  • Emergency Lock-out Service
  • Nationwide Coverage
  • Toll-free 800 Number
  • 24 Hours a Day/ 365 Days a Year

Towing is limited to a reimbursement of $75 per occurrence, while the other services are limited to $35 per occurrence.

Extended Auto Warranty is offered by Allied Insurance LLC. Business conducted with Allied Insurance LLC is separate and distinct from any business conducted with Rivermark Community Credit Union. If you are purchasing insurance for yourself or as part of a credit union loan, you need to be aware of some important information. Insurance products are not deposits of Rivermark and are not insured by the NCUA. They are not guaranteed by Rivermark and may be subject to risk. Any insurance required as a condition of an extension of credit by Rivermark may be purchased from an agent or an insurance company of the member’s choice.