Fraud Alert: Fraudsters are posing as credit union employees using a spoofed phone number to text and call members about card fraud. As a reminder, Rivermark will NEVER call, text, or email you asking for your account number, SSN, card number, PINs, or Digital Banking login information.
Unlocked pad lock symbol.

Keep Your Accounts Safe After a Data Breach

It is important to remain vigilant by protecting your personal information to reduce the risk of fraud or identity theft. If you believe that your personal information has been compromised due to a data breach or another form of identity theft, there are some steps you can take to limit the potential damage.

1. Set Up Transaction Alerts

Keep a watchful eye for unauthorized account transactions on your savings and checking accounts. Most financial institutions have transaction alerts available within online banking, to be notified anytime transactions of a certain level happen on your account. Rivermark has a variety of account alert types.

2. Be Aware of Phishing Attempts

Fraudsters pretend to be a company or individual you trust, but if you haven't requested them to contact you, don't respond. If someone sends you an unsolicited email or text and requests information, delete it without clicking on any embedded links.

3. Improve Your Password Habits

At a minimum, change your password regularly, such as every 90 days. Use a combination of a special character (! & @), numbers, upper and lowercase letters. Use a passphrase that means something to you, but fraudsters wouldn't be able to go guess. Most of all, AVOID simple passwords like "password," 123456, and the like.

Use a different password for every account or online profile. Even if you have a strong password that might take a hacker 10,000 years to guess, you shouldn’t be using it for every account you have.

4. Consider a Credit Freeze

If you’re worried that your data has been breached or that there is fraud on your account, consider freezing your credit. 

5. Research Identity Theft Protection

Rivermark Insurance Agency offers identity theft protection through ReliaShield. ReliaShield offers comprehensive identity theft protection that includes personal and financial information monitoring and alerts, full-service restoration and recovery and $1 million in stolen funds and expense reimbursement coverage.