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Ways to Save Money Every Day of the Month

If you're looking to save money on a monthly basis, it's important to have a plan.  It can be hard to find the motivation and discipline necessary to save if you don't know where your money is going or what it's being used for. That's why we've created this guide - so that you'll know exactly how much you need to spend in order to reach your savings goals at the end of each day of the month. There are several ways of creatively saving money outlined in the article, from what types of expenses you should adjust to some tips on how to review your expenses.

How Much Money Should You be Saving Each Month?

Ideally, people should be working towards saving 20% of their income. However, in practice that is a very high number and many people will find it hard to reach this goal. The important thing to remember is that small steps can be just as successful if not more so than giant leaps. While you might not get there quickly, if you can save an average of 2-5% of your income every month that's still a huge difference over the course of a year.

You should always know what your monthly expenses are before starting out on any savings plan. As mentioned above, it is easy for some people to drastically underestimate how much money they spend each month or artificially inflate their expenses because they don't realize what they can live without. As a result, it is important to have an accurate grasp of how much money goes out every month and where it's going.

Using the following tips will help you cut your monthly expenses, which in turn increase the amount of money that you can save on a monthly basis.

Pay Yourself First With a Savings Account

The key to saving money every day of the month is to pay yourself first, aka save money and build up that bank account. What this means is that you want to be putting a certain percentage of your income into a separate account before you even think about paying any of your bills or debts.

This first money saving tip is to establish a savings account, preferably at a credit union. You should be putting as much money into this account as possible every week. The reason you want to place it in a credit union is that they generally have higher interest rates than most traditional banks.

There are several ways that you can set up your account, but one way would be to automatically take 5% from each paycheck and place it directly into the account. This way, you won't even see all the money leaving out of your bank account, which could help prevent "emotional spending." This will also act as an incentive for you not to touch this money unless it's a true emergency. It'll start to add up fast if you do this consistently over time!

Another great ways to save money every month is to have a second savings account that you rarely touch. This account is meant for emergencies only, and it should be treated as if it were your last source of income. The reason this separate account is so important is because you'll never run out of an unexpected emergency situation popping up at times when you're already living paycheck-to-paycheck.

You want to start with a small amount in this type of account and build it up over time. If you find yourself still dipping into this fund from time to time, then it means that you're spending too much and need to tighten things up!

Stop Spending and Save Money

Every week, pick a day that you will not spend money. This includes purchases for anything and everything—from your morning coffee to dinner out. The idea behind this money saving tip is that you get used to living without some of these things and it will encourage you to live more frugally.

If nothing else, try restricting yourself from purchasing anything on the internet for one day during the week. It's amazing how much online shopping with do without even thinking about it! Establishing multiple "no spend" days throughout the month can help curb impulsive spending when those sales come rolling around every weekend. It'll definitely boost your savings and hopefully reduce debt too!

Change Your Mindset

Another way to save money every month is putting yourself in a mindset that you're spending everything you have. This includes money for all your regular bills and debts (including credit cards) plus that little bit extra meant for savings. If you're not used to living within a budget, then it's going to be hard at first because most people are used to going over their monthly income by several hundred dollars every month.

The best way around this is to start small and not bite off more than you can chew right away. A good goal would be $50 per paycheck that goes into savings after your necessary expenses are paid. Build up slowly from there until eventually, it becomes second nature!

Reinvent Last Night's Dinner

You can easily make a new dish out of leftovers from last night's dinner by using little to no additional ingredients. This money saving tip also works for meals that you never intend to eat again. Whether it is leftover pot roast, soup, or even pot roast tacos from last night, last night's leftovers can inspire dinner tonight.

Essentially, instead of throwing away last night's leftovers, you can turn them into a new meal by altering the ingredients slightly and creating something completely different. You could always just stick it in the freezer if you end up not liking what you created!

Either way, leftover food that would typically be thrown out is now being used to help save money every month. It'll also reduce your grocery bill from having to purchase extra ingredients as well. Win/Win!

Brown Bag Your Lunch

Eat healthier with one simple and inexpensive step! Bring your own lunch to work a few times every week. You'll save money, eat better, have less stress from eating out every day during the day at work, and feel more energized since you're not relying on junk food for fuel. 

If you eat out numerous times throughout the week, then you stand to save a significant amount of money every month just by bringing your lunch instead. Over the course of a year, that could easily add up to $300! 

Choose Free Entertainment

Having fun doesn't have to be expensive. Take advantage of free admission days at zoos and museums, and visit your local parks, beaches, lakes, and nature trails.

Oregon has many natural attractions that people can enjoy for free. The Oregon coast is one of the most popular destinations, but it has abundant free places to visit as well. These include parks, waterways, and nature preserves. You can also enjoy miles of beaches for hiking, jogging, biking or fishing without paying any admission fee whatsoever.

The Oregon coast is one of many free places to visit in Oregon. It has abundant free places that people can enjoy, including parks, waterways, and nature preserves. The Portland Oregon area also provides miles of beaches for hiking, jogging, biking, or fishing without paying any admission fee whatsoever.

Also, no matter what day of the week it is, there's always something to do on a budget.  Just check your local newspaper for free concerts and events that are coming up during the month. Babysitting services can also help you save cash while allowing you have time away from home without worrying about your kids!

If all else fails, try not to spend anything at all on entertainment for an entire week. You'll find that if you plan ahead and force yourself to come up with more frugal alternatives to spending money, then you can still enjoy yourself without breaking the bank.

Make Your Favorite Coffee

You will probably be surprised to find out how much your daily coffee purchases cost after adding up the cost for one month. Making your favorite coffee at home and taking it with you can save you money. If you're spending $5 a day on coffee, your monthly total will be around $150. Annually, that's the equivalent of a round-trip flight to Europe! You can save money by making your favorite blend at home and taking it with you in a thermos or mason jar for when that caffeine craving hits next.

You can brew a full carafe of coffee and pour it into your favorite travel mug. Some people like to transfer the brewed coffee into empty 2-liter bottles as well, which makes for a great way to enjoy some iced coffee on your lunch break. Either way, you'll save money without sacrificing flavor. Brewing at home will save you money if you drink a lot of coffee every day. You can also use leftover cold coffee in an ice cube tray overnight to make instant iced coffee when you're ready to leave the house!

Avoid Expensive Restaurants

If you eat out regularly, you can soon begin to burn a hole in your wallet. Whenever you and your spouse or significant other go out to dinner once a week, your bill is likely to be over $100. Rather than dining at expensive restaurants, opt instead for quaint, budget-friendly eateries, like cafes, eateries, and diners.

Sticking to these types of restaurants for every meal can quickly add up to a substantial monthly expense. If you have children in your household as well, then this expense will only increase because kids' menus are rarely free at nice restaurants. If feasible, choose more budget-friendly options like cafes and diners instead of pricey restaurants. Not only will you save money on average food costs, but you'll also enjoy a laid-back atmosphere that's perfect for enjoying quality family time!

Grocery Shop at Discount Grocery Stores

Every day, we are being asked to spend a little more on groceries and every day we are thinking about ways to save. Whether you want to buy in bulk and divide the items into single servings, bring your own bag or container with you when you grocery shop, clip coupons, purchase store brands instead of name brands, or choose wisely on sale items; there are plenty of ways to save money each time we go to the grocery store.

But what do these savings look like? One way is by shopping at discount grocery stores. This type of store has become increasingly popular in recent years because they offer low prices on a huge selection of products; however, you typically won't find very many brand-name items here.

Discount stores stock their shelves with food items that are nearing their sell-by date and other closeouts, but they've also been known to carry discontinued brands and products from smaller companies.

A popular example of a discount store is Grocery Outlet. This type of store offers low prices on an impressive selection of groceries. They're able to offer these markdowns because they don't have the high operating costs that pricier stores do. For instance, the average supermarket has over 50,000 products on its shelves at any given time, while Grocery Outlet only carries a fraction of these.

Don't Shop When You're Hungry and Make a List

One of the worst things you can do when going to the grocery store is shop on an empty stomach. Not only will you be more likely to buy unnecessary items, but also your impulse control might decrease. What's worse, you're more likely to buy items you don't need if you shop after a long day at work instead of in the morning.

Instead of shopping hungry, eat something light before leaving the house so that all of your purchases are purposeful ones. Eating enough food before heading out for groceries and being mindful of what you purchase will help ensure that each trip to the grocery store saves money rather than spends it!

Making sure we save money on our everyday spending every month doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, it can be as simple as sticking to the list! Meal planning! Creating a list before heading to the store, meal planning for the week, and going grocery shopping without an empty stomach are all ways that will help keep your family on a budget.

Round-Up Your Purchases

Round-up apps are a great way to save money. These apps allow you to round the purchase up to the next dollar and transfer the extra change from your checking account into a savings account or charitable donation.

Let's say for example that you buy a snack worth $2.50, you'll be charged $3.00 so that 50 cents goes into your savings. If you did not use a round-up app, then you would have spent $2.50 and only saved 25 cents in your bank account.

Some people like to use these apps as an alternative budgeting system where they can set a monthly spending goal for groceries and other general household expenses and then transfer any leftovers at the end of each month into their savings or retirement accounts.

This is an easy way to put money aside for something special without feeling like you're depriving yourself of anything. Using round-up apps also prevents impulse spending because you only have a certain amount of cash to work with each month, so you'll learn to be more frugal with your expenses.

Save Money on Your Utility Bills

Reduce your utility bills by turning off lights, televisions, and computers when not in use. If you're away from home or asleep, adjust the heating and air conditioning thermostats. You can also search online for new, energy-efficient appliances that could help you slash your monthly utility costs. Some of these items include Energy Star light bulbs, ENERGY STAR qualified washers and dryers, insulation kits, and power strips.

These investments will be well worth the initial outlay because they pay for themselves over time with the amount of money you'll save on your utility bills every month. You'll enjoy lower utility bills and more cash in your pocket!

Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

Another essential expense that we need every month is our cell phone bill. The average American household spends more than $1,200 a year on cellular service. We can all save money on this monthly expense if we learn how to negotiate our current plan and switch carriers.

A popular tip for saving money on your cell phone bill is by negotiating with your carrier.  There are numerous websites online that will show you the best way to go about this. You'll want to call up your provider and ask politely (but firmly) about paying less for what you already have or try to increase the amount of data included in your package.

You can save money by buying a used phone from Craigslist or eBay, too. Just be sure to test it out first to make sure it works before you buy it. If you're handy with a soldering iron, then consider taking apart an old cell phone and reusing the parts in your new model.

Little things like this add up over time and make a big impact on your wallet. Before long, you'll see a few hundred dollars in savings every year that would have otherwise been lost.

Avoid Multiple Shopping and Grocery Trips

When people shop multiple times during the week at brick-and-mortar or online stores, they typically spend more. You should make a list of what you need and limit your shopping excursions. A good way to save money on food is to plan your meals ahead of time. It's best to have a certain dish you plan on eating for lunch and dinner every day of the week. When it's time to buy groceries, buy enough ingredients for all seven days. This saves time from going to the store multiple times, which can be expensive!

If you need something that's not on your list, then plan to make a special trip once per week. Depending on where you live, this could be either every Saturday or Sunday. However, if you're unable to cook due to time constraints or lack of knowledge when it comes to cooking new foods, then purchasing from restaurants multiple times each week will put a huge dent in your budget. So try finding recipes that won't break your budget or your skillset.

Look for Seasonal Bargains

Planning ahead allows you to take advantage of seasonal bargains every month. Buying shoes, clothing, bedding, furniture, and other items during end-of-season clearance prices can allow you to save a significant amount of money.

If you like to shop at thrift stores, then you should also consider buying items that are nearing the end of their season. For example, if it is July and you see a great pair of summer sandals or swimwear on sale or clearance, buy them because they will only be available for purchase this one time.

By planning ahead for seasonal buys and by creating a shopping calendar, you can save money on the things that matter the most to your family without being bored with the same old stuff over and over again.

Cancel That Gym Membership

It's tempting to own a gym membership, but gyms are really expensive and they often don't value your business when they're making most of their money from members who aren't going.

If you cancel your gym membership, then you can use the money that you were paying to join the gym instead for something more beneficial - like a home workout program or personalized trainer to come into your home. Invest in your own equipment and set up a mini-gym in your garage or spare bedroom - you do this inside your house if there's enough room for a pull-up bar or rack.

Get Rid of Cable TV

Cable TV can be very expensive, especially if you have a family. So why not get rid of cable and any other monthly bills you might have that are only costing you money? If you have little kids, then consider getting Netflix or Amazon Prime and saving $100 per month on expenses. If your family is more advanced when it comes to technology, then consider taking the leap into streaming live TV with sites like Hulu or SlingTV.

With streaming services, you pay a low monthly cost and you can watch whatever you want whenever you want it. And most services allow you to stack two or three devices at once, which is great if your family shares one account for the house. If you want specific channels or shows, there are dozens of streaming networks for adults and the whole family, such as Disney Plus, Hulu, Discovery+, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Apple TV+, and so many more!

Shop With a Friend or Family Member

Shop with a friend or family member so that you can engage in conversation and people watch while still achieving your goal of saving money. Keep each other accountable in limiting your spending so that you don't end up spending more than you planned. Plus it's always fun to spend time with your friends and family!

Look for Coupons

If you feel like your budget is tight, then look online or in local print magazines for coupons on things that are important to your family. This includes food items like cereal, bread, milk, cheese, fruits and vegetables as well as household items such as batteries.

You can also look for store coupons and manufacturer's coupons that will save you money on small electronic gadgets (e.g., speakers, cameras) or premium products (e.g., diapers). Keep a running list of the brand names and associated model numbers of electronics so that it is easier to find them once they go on sale or clearance at your favorite brick-and-mortar or online store.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to certain manufacturer's e-mails that will detail upcoming sales and clearance items. This way, you know in advance when something will go on sale so that you can have time to look for coupons beforehand as well as decide if it is a good deal. If you choose to shop at your local drugstore, then make sure to check out their weekly circulars before heading down there so that you know which items are on sale.

Sign Up for Store Loyalty Programs

Look for store loyalty cards and customer loyalty purchase programs. For example, signing up for a frequent shopper card at your local grocery store will enable you to earn points on purchases that can be redeemed towards future purchases in stores or online. However, if the amount of spending required to redeem these points is substantially more than what you're saving by using the card (e.g., $25 value per $20 spent), then it may not be worth it!

Get Rid of Unused Subscriptions

Do you have lots of unused subscriptions? These are the easiest and quickest ways to lose money. If you don't use it, get rid of it! At least one of those subscriptions is probably a waste of your hard-earned money. The average American spends $1,200 on subscriptions every year that they don't even use.

By getting rid of your unused subscription services, you can easily save yourself hundreds or thousands each year (depending on how many you end up canceling). You should start by looking at your bank statements or credit card bills for recurring monthly payments and ask yourself if you really need them anymore.

Do you have automatic renewals set up for magazines you never read? Are you paying for a gym you don't use? You're likely spending money on items and services that you don't even know about. Go through your bank statements, cancel anything that isn't important and then choose to either end further payments or go ahead with the services.

If you still get the newspaper, consider canceling it! There are so many websites nowadays that already cover the news online for free. By eliminating your newspaper subscription, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars each year. And you'll help save on paper waste as well!

Declutter and Sell What You Don't Need

In a world where you can buy anything online, it's easy to have clutter in your house that you don't really need. Sell what you no longer need on eBay or Craigslist and make money off of it! Alternatively, if selling on eBay isn't right for you, consider donating items directly to Goodwill. There are tons of people out there who could use the stuff you're getting rid of and you can take advantage of the tax write-off.

Plan on doing your "Spring Cleaning" every year or even twice a year! This can help you realize how much extra you purchase that you don't need and how much waste you can avoid each year. By decluttering your house, you can potentially recoup hundreds (or thousands) of dollars every year from selling the extra stuff you no longer need and using that money to buy new items that you do need.

Enjoy Simple Pleasures

The simplest pleasures in life can be the most rewarding at the lowest cost. Spend time on your patio sipping coffee, taking a bubble bath, or walking your dog through your neighborhood. Most of the time these simple pleasures are completely free, so you don't have to spend any money to enjoy them.

Keep your eyes open and you're bound to find more free simple pleasures throughout the year. For example, most parks and recreation facilities hold classes that are free to the public, like yoga classes, tai chi lessons, or even how-to lectures on meditation and breathing exercises. The best part about taking advantage of these types of services is they don't usually cost anything.

Take Care of Yourself

Your self-care efforts can save you some serious cash. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, a good night's sleep, stress reduction, and a positive mental attitude are some examples. Having better mental and physical health can help you avoid costly doctor visits and costly medications.

Being frugal doesn't mean you have to give up all of life's little pleasures. You can still enjoy eggs or bagels in the morning for breakfast, a family movie night each week, and fun shopping sprees with your spouse every few months. However you decide to save money, it should involve some compromise and not take away from other areas of your life that are equally important, like taking time off work to spend with loved ones or on worthwhile activities like hobbies.

Don't Be Afraid to Say No

It would be helpful if you learned how to turn down expensive sporting events, dinners, trips, and entertainment. Instead of breaking your budget, you can build your savings by eliminating these items.

There's a difference between saying no to something small like buying an extra dessert at an expensive restaurant or attending a concert that is too rich for your blood vs. saying no to bigger-ticket items like shopping sprees or lavish vacations. If it's too difficult for you to pass up big-ticket purchases, then try reducing your expenses in other ways first so that you can afford the higher-priced item without having to go into debt for it.

Put an End to Impulse Buying

By avoiding impulse purchases, especially on expensive items, you will save some money and avoid regrets. Allow yourself time to think about the thing you intend to buy and distance yourself from it for a few days.

Be willing to say NO to some of the things that you ultimately don't need. This means avoiding impulse buys on everything from clothes and accessories, shoes, food products, even entertainment! Only carry the exact cash you need to buy what is on your list. You can even go as far as leaving your credit or debit cards at home, if necessary. Until you build a healthy habit of not impulse buying, make the adjustments you need to be able to cut back.

Shop at Second-Hand Stores

You may be surprised to learn that you can save a lot of money by shopping in places like Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and local garage sales. You can find brand-name clothing at good prices and sometimes even brand new items. In addition, these types of stores often have great bargains on furniture as well.

Don't feel bad about buying previously used things for your home or yourself! These are still perfectly good items that you wouldn't mind using. The only difference is they have already been worn or used by someone else before you got them.

Debt Snowball or Reduce High-Interest Debt

Using the Debt Snowball method to reduce credit card debt is one of the best ways to save money. It's a tried-and-true method that requires you to rank all of your debt from highest interest rate to lowest interest rate. Then you pay only minimum payments on all debts, except for the smallest balance.

Once you've paid off the smallest debt, apply your payment amount to the next highest debt, and so on. You'll be surprised how quickly you can pay off all of your credit card debt with this method.

You can also save money by reducing the interest rate on credit cards or even paying off credit cards completely to avoid high-interest rates in the future. However, you can also pay the high-interest debt off first to save money a little faster. It won't have the instant gratification of checking credit card debt off, but it does work faster in the long run. Most importantly, do what you think you will stick to and hold yourself accountable.

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can be expensive, so consider asking for a lower insurance rate for your policy or finding out if you qualify for an auto insurance discount. If you live in a safe neighborhood, don't have any tickets, and haven't had an accident, then talk with your insurance company to see what kind of discount you can get. If you have a healthy emergency fund, then opt for a higher deductible to get a cheaper premium. If you bundle your insurance with home or renter's insurance, you can also save money.

Pay Cash

Paying in cash on purchases can save you money in ways that you may not realize.  First, studies show that people are less likely to overspend when paying with cash. Second, you have a better idea of how much money is going out and coming in. This can help you get control of your finances by knowing what's actually going on.

Cash is king for saving money! It keeps you from overspending and lets you keep track of your spending habits. It also helps you get into the easy habit of charging to your credit card, especially if you are having trouble paying your balance off each month. Avoid racking up interest charges!

Create a Vision Board

Visually reminding yourself why you want to save money will likely inspire you to do so. By creating a vision board, you can accomplish this. You can use a bulletin board to display pictures of the things you're saving for, like a beach vacation, an emergency fund, retirement, or a new vehicle.

The key is, don't allow yourself to get down on yourself because you didn't save anything one day or month; think of it as a marathon rather than a sprint. Just keep putting away money each month, and before long, you'll be well on your way towards achieving your financial goals.

Whatever goal you set for yourself, start saving now so that later when life gets harder and more expensive, you aren't struggling to catch up. Whatever your reason for saving money, you can do it! If you make a habit of delaying purchases and resisting impulse buys, you'll be amazed at all the extra money that's in your account.

How Much Money Should You Save

Start saving money today and see how far you can go. Utilize all of the money-saving tips above to save money and spend less. By being intentional about spending less, you would be able to enjoy the benefits of deliberate frugality as your savings grow and you can then start to enjoy the things on your vision board.

However, remember that saving money is not the ultimate goal. You want to save enough so that you will be able to spend it when the time comes and you will still have money left over. It's good to challenge yourself with a finite amount of savings; however, that doesn't mean you should stop saving once your goal is reached. Just set another goal!

To help get you started on building your savings, ask yourself this question: How much do I need for an emergency fund? The answer depends on how old you are and what type of lifestyle you would like after retirement (or in case something happens to your job).

For example, if you're 30 years old with two kids and credit card debt totaling $30,000, you'll want to aim for an emergency fund of around $40,000. This will provide some financial stability and allow you to pay off your debts in the meantime.

Although higher than suggested by most experts, this amount might be what it takes if you're facing unemployment or a medical condition that requires expensive procedures every year. Having a cash safety net like this is crucial so that you don't have to worry about paying for unexpected expenses down the road.

In conclusion, saving money is a necessity in life. No matter how much money you make, or how much debt you have, it's important to know how to save and spend wisely. There are many things that can help you save money every day of the month such as cutting your cable bill, eating at home more often, getting an auto insurance discount if you've never had an accident or gotten a ticket, or creating a vision board to remind you of your goals.

Successful money management is all about spending less than you make and being intentional about where your money goes. The money you might have spent on expensive coffee (and the extra calories that come with those delicious treats) can go to savings instead. It's up to you to challenge yourself each day in order to get out of debt, save more, and pay fewer bills later on.