Fraud Alert: Fraudsters are posing as credit union employees using a spoofed phone number to text and call members about card fraud. As a reminder, Rivermark will NEVER call, text, or email you asking for your account number, SSN, card number, PINs, or Digital Banking login information.
Person using a video teller machine.

Celebrating 1 Million Video Teller Transactions

Rivermark recently hit a huge milestone . . . 1 million video teller transactions! In September we celebrated this milestone by giving away $100 at random to members using the video teller machines. Check out the winning reactions in our video below!

We are proud of our video teller technology, which first launched in 2014, that allows us to provide increased access and convenience to our members. Our video kiosks (also known as Personal Teller Kiosks) are designed to meet the needs of our busy members, who seek extended hours, faster transaction times and enhanced privacy. Our Kiosks blend today’s state-of-the-art video technology with a powerful human touch to ensure a more relevant and meaningful experience.

Video Teller Kiosk Benefits

  • Extended hours: Live, face-to-face teller services from 8 AM to 8 PM Monday through Friday and Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM.

  • Faster transaction times.

  • Perform multiple transactions in one session.

  • More privacy - The kiosks are designed to allow members to customize their privacy setting by speaking normally and adjusting the sound system as needed. You can also plug in your own ear buds or chat privately using the digital keyboard that will appear on screen.