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Rivermark volunteers around a donation bin.

KGW Great Food Drive 2023

The 2023 KGW Great Food Drive has come to a close, and we are proud to share the incredible impact this year’s efforts have had on local families facing food insecurity. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of our community, Rivermark Credit Union, in partnership with KGW, Toyota, Safeway, Pacific Office Automation, and many other supporters, surpassed our goal of providing 1.5 million meals and raised funds and donations to provide over 2.2 million meals!


Rivermark has been a proud sponsor of the KGW Great Food Drive for the past seven years, and every year, the generosity of our members and community continues to grow. Since our involvement began in 2017, we’ve helped contribute more than 12 million pounds of food—providing over 10.5 million meals to families in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Fighting Hunger in Oregon

Hunger continues to be a significant challenge in our region. Before the pandemic, 1 in 11 Oregonians were food insecure. The situation became even more dire as the pandemic hit, with as many as 1 in 4 of our neighbors facing hunger. Nearly 50% of Oregon’s children qualify for free or reduced lunch, and in 2020, over 1.7 million people sought emergency food assistance through the Oregon Food Bank Network.

The food collected during the 2023 drive plays a critical role in helping the Oregon Food Bank purchase, collect, and distribute food to families in need. The food and funds raised are distributed through a network of 21 regional food banks and more than 1,400 food assistance sites across the region.

A Strong Community Response

Rivermark branches across the region collected more than 1,600 pounds of food donations. Our staff also participated in several volunteer events, packing food and supporting local efforts to get meals to those who need them most. Through partnerships with local food pantries, we were able to ensure the food donations reached the people who needed them most.

Each Rivermark branch was paired with a local food pantry to ensure donations stayed in the community. Some of the organizations we partnered with included:

  • Hawthorne & Hollywood – Mainspring Portland

  • Gresham – Snowcap

  • Happy Valley – Clackamas Service Center

  • Cedar Hills & Progress Ridge – Westside Food Brigade

  • Tualatin – Packed With Pride

  • Fruit Valley – Clark County Food Bank

  • The Dalles – Columbia Gorge Food Bank

Our collective efforts have made a real difference for thousands of families in need, but the fight against hunger doesn’t end here.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2023 KGW Great Food Drive, whether you donated food, made a financial contribution, or volunteered your time. Every donation helped make an impact on the lives of families in our communities, and we couldn’t have achieved this success without your generosity.

We’d also like to extend a special thanks to our partners, who made this year’s drive possible, and to the dedicated staff at Rivermark who worked tirelessly to support the drive. Your commitment to helping others is what makes our community so strong.

Keep the Spirit of Giving Alive

While the 2023 KGW Great Food Drive has ended, the Oregon Food Bank is accepting donations year-round to continue their mission of supporting communities in need. Visit to donate and learn more about how you can help end hunger in Oregon.

Together, we’ve shown that by working as a community, we can accomplish amazing things. Thank you for helping us make the 2023 KGW Great Food Drive a huge success!