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6 Good Uses for a Personal Loan

Even the most careful of investors and planners can sometimes get caught off guard by life. In those moments, a personal loan can really make a difference. We've compiled six ways a personal loan can be helpful.

1. Credit Card Debt Consolidation

Individual loans do not require collateral and may have lower interest rates than credit cards. By setting terms, you'll pay off that debt much faster than you would by making the minimum payment on other debt. That's why a personal loan can be a worthwhile option for consolidating higher-interest credit cards. Make sure the rate you will pay on your personal loan is lower than the rate on your credit cards.

2. Simplify into One Payment

Missing a payment on a medical, dental, veterinarian, or any other bill can severely harm your credit. In the event that you have several high-interest credit payments each month, it may be beneficial to consolidate the debt into a single payment personal loan.

3. Make Much-Needed Repairs

In case your emergency funds have run out, a personal loan can help you finance necessary repairs to your car, home, or backyard if you don't have the funds.

4. Lower Your Energy Bills

If you're spending more than you should on heating and cooling, you might have a problem with your home's weatherization. A personal loan can be a smart way to afford attic insulation and weather stripping around the windows and doors of the house. You will also likely end up saving money in the long run.

5. Pay Everyone Back

Occasionally, you may need to borrow money from friends and family members. The good news is that you have the option of getting a personal loan to pay them back. They'll appreciate the cash returned, and you'll feel less awkward around them.

6. Pay Your Taxes

You can use a personal loan to pay your state or federal taxes (or both) if you owe them. Even better, you can make the loan amortized by next year's tax season.

Rivermark offers personal loans with competitive rates and terms, along financial wellness resources to help get your budget in line with your monthly income.